Well Water Analysis

Finding the problem to unlock the solution

As the owner of a water well, you’re responsible for providing clean, safe water to everyone in your home. With a water sample analysis of your artesian well, you can quickly and easily detect any undesirable elements floating through your pipes.

Wondering how much a well water analysis costs and how to go about it? Contact our experts to find out more.

  • Know your water quality.
  • Reduce waterborne health risks.
  • Prevent all water-related artesian well problems. 
  • Guarantee clean water for your whole family.

Flush Out Your Problems With Our Experts’ Help

01 Contact us to find out more about water analysis

How much does it cost and how long does it take? We answer all your questions.

02 We can advise you on how to proceed

From a simple analysis to a more comprehensive assessment, we offer services tailored to your needs.

03 Let us come to you

Our technician will come to you to collect a sample of your water in compliance with protocol.

04 Analyzing your water

The sample is sent to our well water analysis lab for a complete screening.

05 Water analysis report

Once we’ve interpreted the results, we get back in touch with you and provide solutions.

Our Expertise, Your Drinking Water

With 100 years of expertise in the field, we have deep knowledge of artesian well water and its composition. We can determine precisely what type of water is best suited to your home, and we’ll do everything in our power to provide it.

We Look Forward to Helping You

    Our Full Range of Complementary Services

    Geothermal energy, water pumps, hydrofracturing and more. Find out what F. Lapointe et fils can do for your home and your peace of mind.