Water Treatment Systems

Equipment to suit every household

Whether it’s a reverse osmosis water treatment system, a drinking water treatment appliance or a wastewater treatment system, there are many ways to ensure a reliable water supply. So many that it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Don’t panic. Our experts are here to provide residential water treatment systems tailored to your needs.

  • Protect your water-powered household appliances.
  • Comply with public health and environmental standards.
  • Prevent water-related health problems.
  • Keep your water well running smoothly.
  • Enjoy peace of mind.

We’re With You Every Step of the Way

01 Contact us, our experts are ready to help

We’ll discuss the options, the price of water treatment systems and your budget.

02 System selection and design

We’ll recommend a residential water treatment system and customize it for you.

03 New device installation

Our team of qualified technicians will install the equipment.

04 Functional tests

We’ll carry out rigorous tests to ensure that the water treatment system works as it should.

05 Training and equipment support

We offer training on how to use and maintain your drinking water treatment system.

06 Regular monitoring and maintenance

We carry out inspection visits to ensure that everything remains in order.

Find the Perfect Balance Between Needs and Budget

We know that installing a water treatment system is daunting because of its cost and the equipment it requires. But it’s a step that you often can’t skip. That’s why we help you find the right equipment at the right price.

We Look Forward to Helping You

    Our Full Range of Complementary Services

    Geothermal energy, water pumps, hydrofracturing and more. Find out what F. Lapointe et fils can do for your home and your peace of mind.